Legal Notice


Stephan Schubert
Ricarda-Huch-Str. 19
01219 Dresden

The party responsible for the contents of this website according to § 10 Par. 3 MDStV
(German Interstate Media Services Agreement): Stephan Schubert,
Address as shown above.

Liability Disclaimer:
Despite our careful control of the contents thereof, we cannot be held liable for the contents of external links. We expressly declare that we have no influence whatsoever on the design and contents of externally linked websites. Therefore, we herewith expressly disassociate ourselves from all contents of all linked external websites and do not espouse the contents thereof. The operators of the linked websites are solely responsible for the contents thereof. This declaration shall apply to all links to external websites listed on our web pages.
If we have linked websites that violate currently valid German law, we ask you to notify us. We will then delete the respective link/links.

The material published on our website is subject to the Copyleft licensing procedure.
You can find detailed information about this procedure under    .
You may use the information published on this website for noncommercial purposes, but you must specify the source of such information.

The translation of some sites was made by::
James David Wilson
Spacialist translator

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